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The Launch of

Curve Balls

Life throws curve balls. In fact, if life could pitch for a baseball team, don't you think baseball as a sport would just end? Because who likes to watch a game when they know who are the constant champions? boring to know how the game always end.

To say that Covid is a curve-ball, is quite the understatement. For many people, Covid has been a meteoric shift in good ways and in bad.

I have experienced the full dimension (selfish happiness to devastating loss) of the Corona Virus impact:

I reveled in the delight of spending time with my family that was splintering just due to hectic schedules. The dinners, the couch time, the game time, the movie nights....

My husband traveled for work, overnight, on average 3-4 days a week since we got married 20 years ago.

My oldest daughter, Isabelle, started the Covid season in her Senior Year of high school and going off to college. Before the advent of the virus, she was never home, going to work, going to her medical nursing externship, and enjoying her social life as she should.

My youngest daughter, Lillian, started the Covid season in her Sophmore Year of high school and was either at work as a Gymnastics coach, or studying, or doing her thing.

We all gained weight. Nothing much else to say here. You can assume how we managed to do that...The dinners, the couch time, the game time, the movie nights...We lost control. Not good. But we are ALL corralling in those newly formed bad habits and have a better understanding of how healthy we are reflects our body's ability to fight these viruses.

We miss all of our socializing. This past year was a year for many celebrations, but none came to fruition. Isabelle graduating and going to college. My parents 50th wedding anniversary. My husband's 50th birthday, and our 20 years of marriage.

My beloved Aunt passed away from an avoidable encounter with Covid. I can't write too much a

bout this as it was devastating and still affecting everyone in my family. I didn't even want to bring this up because all of life's banal problems pale in comparison to death. And to just mention it right next to 'gaining weight' is insensitive. I bring this up, just to let you know, that I truly have experienced Covid range. My apologies for just glossing over this particular issue, but it's too raw right now.

my mom, my aunt, my dad

My local costume rental business tanked; came to a grinding halt/full stop, complete with metal sparks. This was a personal affront. I had spent 5 YEARS sewing my fingers off to grow a business by word-of-mouth, and it finally was taking off right before Covid hit.

To ameliorate my disappointment while putting costumes away for a unknown length of hibernation, it came to me to start Upcycling for myself. After all, I had put myself on hold for way too long! If you think for a second I was dressed up while sewing for 5 years, you are mistaken. Days would pass, and I lived in PJs and leggings and sweatshirts. (Laundering them frequently! I promise!)

upcycling for myself...

I launched as my pivot. Blogging was something that always intrigued me, and I had stories to tell. Overtime I developed my blogging style to include a Vignette for each Upcycle Project.

I joined Facebook Upcycling Groups where I took an active interest in other upcyclers as my Covid-induced social community--unbeknownst to me at the beginning that I would create friendships all over the world.

When I did not find exactly the right kind of Facebook Group that allowed links, I created my own group called Upcycle & Refashion (Clothing & Accessories Only!), and have almost 5000 members!

With a good following on my blog, I started to take interest in the works of other Upcyclers and Refashioners. As with blogs, websites and social media work, I felt like we could help each other grow in readership, commerce, or whatever goal by simply linking to each other.

I started a Spotlight feature on which evolved into creating resident/permanent pages for these artists on my website. Every weekend, I enjoyed learning about each artist I posted their profile and mini-interview and looked at their creations.

Artist: Velga Krukovska

As I began the process of indexing the Upcycling by type, it dawned on me that this type of organization was destined for its own website!

start of a new website...

Coupled with thinking that Upcycling & Refashioning is just starting to gain interest by the general population, I thought it was time to develop a community based platform that appeals to the worldwide web, not just to individual social media platforms (which can plateau for commerce purposes--why bring sand to a beach?).

And since I was hard-pressed to find a comprehesive reference website for Upcyling & Refashioning when I first started doing my craft, my Life 'Curve-Ball' was being thrown in the direction of developing the UpcycleMode website. I like to go where I am needed--this website is needed.

Regardless of an Upcycler's or Refashioner's goals--from a dopamine rush, learning, financial gain, a way to show off, or make friends--it's all good! Your motive and enthusiasm is encouraged, and all skill levels are welcomed. We can reach more together as a collective.

If you are just visiting, I hope you enjoy UpcycleMode as a way to learn more about Upcycling and Refashioning through the Artists (from beginners to advanced), their creations, and maybe check out a tutorial or two!

Hey, you might even be inspired to start creating with us!

We will welcome you!

UpcycleMode is still in its infancy, so there are kinks that need to be worked out, the graphics cleaned up, the navigation fine-tuned...if you see anything else that needs to be fixed or you have a great idea on how to make this website better, it's ok to call my baby ugly, email me at


Eva Winger


Part of the Eva-lutions Upcycling Co.

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Terry Lloyd
Terry Lloyd
Jan 20, 2021

Honoured to be a participant of an exciting new venture

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