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South East Asia

Join the South East Asia

UpcycleMode Artists!

South East Asia

1. Yael Calderon - Thailand


Yael Calderon -- Thailand

I create:

  • Movement and festival women's clothing: dresses, tops, leggings, bodysuits and swimsuits.





I use:

My creation style:

  • Rave

  • Edgy

  • Boho

  • Hippie

  • Fairy


Yael Calderon


Fairy Cut

Pinterest: Fairy_Cut

Facebook: FairyCutt

Etsy: FairyCut

Instagram: Fairy_Cut

Yael's Creations & Interview  1/25/21

How long have you been Upcycling/Refashioning/Recreating?

In regards to this business, over a year.

Do you sew? How long have you been sewing?

Yes, I have been hand sewing, for many years since I was a child.

How and Why did you get started in Upcycling/Refashioning/Recreating?

I've always had a passion for second hand clothing that I got it from my mother :) As a child I loved transforming my old clothes and bringing new life into them.

What is your favorite textile/non-textile to Upcycle/Refashion/Recreate from? and why?

I mostly use 95% cotton+5% spandex textile, as its the most fit for cutting and braiding- so this is my favorite!

What is your favorite item to create?

I love creating bodysuits and swimsuits. There is a lot of room to play with for me, and the result is always special, different and so flattering.

If you had to chose one item you made, which is your most favorite?

i love them all, but still if i have to choose, it would be this:

I started a business based on Upcycling/Refashioning DIYing and it's called:



How would you recommend someone get started in Upcycling/Refashioning?

First i believe there needs to be some shift in mind and awareness. We have so much comfort in buying new things. Buying Fast Fashion is so easy and cheap. So we need to make a conscious decision to not take part of it and to not support Fast Fashion Industries. We need to start exploring our old textiles or other materials, and create new!


A little more about me!:

Over the past 2.5 years, I have been traveling while living in India and Thailand. I left my job in Israel and started traveling. I've always loved creating my clothes and you could find me looking for treasures in a second hand shops.


But my passion for creating braided Fairy Wear ignited in Pushkar, India--a hippie, magical town, which is the capital of wholesale clothing & jewelry, especially of hippie- boho chic.

During my time there, I was exposed to the 'fast fashion' industry and factories. I realized how come we pay so little, and get "so much", at the expense of others, less fortunate than us.


Pushkar market made me fall in love with this style of clothing, and Pushkar people made me choose a more conscious, aware, sustainable lifestyle, one where I realize I can make a difference through what& how I choose to spend my $$$.


Living in India showed me how lucky and privileged I am, and how so many of the things we do in western, developed countries, is harming the people living in under-developed countries. India and Thailand, among other countries, get a lot of unwanted clothes from the west, that people simply throw in the trash and the government ships to poorer countries. During lock-down in Thailand (March-June of 20'), I stayed on a small, pristine island in the Andaman sea of Thailand, having so much inspiration, surrounded by beautiful nature, deserted beaches, mystical forests and loved sisters, FAIRY CUT came into life

Thank You Yael for sharing your creations with us!


Please Note: All Answers and Photos are Submitted by the Artist. Permission to use any information or photos must be requested from the individual themselves.

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© 2021 by Eva Winger

Eva-lutions Upcycling Companies

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The information on list is intended for inspirational and awareness purposes, and should not to be used for Academic purposes. Information comes from a collective effort and various sources with good intention. The information may or may not be accurate..  UpcycleMode's intent is not to misguide anyone with incorrect information or persuade any political beliefs.

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