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Data Protection Regulations and Wix Hosted Sites is 100% committed to data protection. 


We are aware of the new privacy regulations being developed worldwide. Some examples of new regulations are the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and LGPD (Brazilian General Data Protection Law). These are very similar to the European GDPR already in effect. Additionally, some  European data protection authorities have recently published new guidelines about the use of cookies and similar technologies.  


The new regulations are meant to provide everyone with more transparency about how their data is being used and stored. Any Wix user or visitor will have greater control over their personal information. 

​ has the technology to protect your personal data and any data related to your site visitors and members. We will do our best to provide all site owners with the required tools to be compliant with the new regulations. 


In addition to the tools our platform already provides ("the right to access" and "the right to be deleted"), we'll offer additional ones like the "right to opt out of the sale of Personal Information", and the ability to request consent before placing "non-essential cookies".


You are more than welcome to send us feedback and request new features that can help you comply with the applicable laws worldwide. 


For more information on how WIX protects companies who host through WIX help center.


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© 2021 by Eva Winger

Eva-lutions Upcycling Companies

Your questions and comments welcomed!


The information on list is intended for inspirational and awareness purposes, and should not to be used for Academic purposes. Information comes from a collective effort and various sources with good intention. The information may or may not be accurate..  UpcycleMode's intent is not to misguide anyone with incorrect information or persuade any political beliefs.

Please contact for any insight into inaccuracies.

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