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Regardless of your knowledge about Sustainability, when Upcycling, Refashioning, or DIYing from thrifted, hand-me-down, or discarded goods, you are helping the environment.


For your further contemplation, Upcycle Mode hosts a collection of meme's, quotes, and links to articles, documentaries, and artists who understand the impact of Fast Fashion on our planet.





Sharon Prigan




Prigan Art


Website: PriganArt

Facebook: PriganArt

Etsy: PriganArt

Instagram: PriganArt

Prigan Art--Blog Article

Reuse, Recreation and Upcycle of Textiles

Updated: Jun 7, 2019

Author: Sharon Prigan

Reuse, Repurpose Recreation and Recycle. Textile and clothing recycling is beneficial from both an environmental and economic aspect. Through the recycling of used garments and textiles, we can avoid water pollution and energy intensive production of new clothing. Additionally, clothing that cannot be reused can be recreated and recycled into other products.


Shiree Witt


Shhh. Re-Creations


Facebook: Shhh. Re-Creations


"Not sure on the numbers, but considering I can use 4-5 .... heck sometimes a dozen or more pieces of unwanted , donated or secondhand clothing in one garment...and I am just one of many combating the "fast/ disposable fashion"

trend....we really could make a HUGE difference in the amount of textile waste choking the planet.


Mumma Earth needs us to give a shit and rethink the way we do things...

I have not bought straight up retail ( without being heavily reduced/ reduced to clear prices ) in well over 2 years.

Op shops , garage sales , online marketplace and gifted donations is where all my wardrobe comes from.


How about you?

What is your take on buying " fashion "?"

image source unknown


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© 2021 by Eva Winger

Eva-lutions Upcycling Companies

Your questions and comments welcomed!


The information on list is intended for inspirational and awareness purposes, and should not to be used for Academic purposes. Information comes from a collective effort and various sources with good intention. The information may or may not be accurate..  UpcycleMode's intent is not to misguide anyone with incorrect information or persuade any political beliefs.

Please contact for any insight into inaccuracies.

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